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Evaluating Models for the Genesis of Low-Angle Normal Faults: A Multidisciplinary Study of the Cañada David Detachment, Baja California, Mexico [Dataset]
Martha Carolina Balbuena Salomón
John Mackrain Fletcher -
Marco Antonio Pérez Flores -
Diego Ruiz Aguilar -
Javier Alejandro González Ortega -
Olaf Cortés Arroyo -
Acceso Abierto - openAccess
Low angle normal faults (LANFs) are important structures in extensional settings throughout the world, but their genesis and mechanics of slip remain poorly understood. The Cañada David Detachment (CDD) is a seismically active low-angle normal fault that extends 55-60 km along-strike and roots westward beneath the Laguna Salada rift basin in northern Baja California, Mexico. In order to test widely applied genetic models of LANFs we present a multidisciplinary study that combines gravimetry, magnetotellurics, seismic reflection profiles, earthquake seismicity, borehole logs, geological mapping, and tectonic geomorphology to construct three 2-D profiles of the crustal structure and subsurface geometry of the CDD. We find the CDD to cut the seismogenic crust to depths of 15 km with a flat-ramp-flat geometry and crustal profiles show a 150% thickening of the lower crust beneath the CDD ramp, suggesting isostatic compensation driven by lower crustal flow, similar to LANFs in the Basin and Range Province (USA), the Aegean Sea (Greece), and the Linglong Metamorphic Core Complex (China). Variations in topographic relief and drainage basin geomorphology suggest that antiformal megamullions are uplifting at significantly higher rates, indicating that they formed by folding of the detachment in response to constrictional strain. Synformal megamullions are domains where surface faulting has migrated into the basin to form new rider blocks of the detachment system. These findings are consistent with the rolling-hinge model of detachment faulting. Evidence of hydrothermal fluid migration along the detachment zone aligns with observations in other LANFs, reinforcing the role of fluid-assisted weakening. - Resumen
GEOFÍSICA - 48 - 2507
Conjunto de datos - csv
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos - Geología

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Gravimetric data.csvThe complete Bouguer anomaly data were obtained by integrating data acquired in Sierra Juárez in 2021 as part of this research work, along with the compilation of two documented gravimetric databases from the studies by Kelm (1971) and García-Abdeslem et al. (2001). The processed data, corrected for the corresponding gravimetric adjustments (Tide effect, instrumental drift correction, theoretical gravity calculation using the 1930 formula, absolute gravity determination, absolute gravity anomaly, free-air correction, free-air anomaly, Bouguer correction assuming a density value of 2.7 g/cm³, simple Bouguer anomaly, and topographic correction), are presented in .csv format, which can be used to generate the gravity anomaly map. The .GRD format represents the grid containing the gravity anomaly map, while the .shp files correspond to the locations of profiles A, B, and C77.29 kBCSVVisualizar/Abrir
MT data.zipThe 30 MT sites used in this work were a compilation of various data campaigns conducted by Vázquez González et al. (1993, 1994), Cortés Arroyo (2011), and in 2021 for this study. The files from which the resistivity model was generated are: the observed data (all.dat), the inversion result data (ModEM_v01_NLCG_004.dat), the resistivity model (ModEM_v01_NLCG_004.mod), and the file "ModEM_v01_NLCG.log", which contains general information about the inversion. These files can be viewed using the 3D-GRID Model and Data Visualizer (academic version).1.26 MBZIPVisualizar/Abrir
Shp_profiles.zip4.91 kBZIPVisualizar/Abrir
GRID_gravi.zip285.51 kBZIPVisualizar/Abrir
Data description.pdf47.22 kBAdobe PDFVisualizar/Abrir