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Resultados 1531-1540 de 1540.

Resultados por ítem:

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
2012Coronin is a component of the endocytic collar of hyphae of neurospora crassa and is necessary for normal growth and morphogenesisArtículoRAMON OSVALDO ECHAURI ESPINOSA30-dic-2023
2019Synthetic libraries of shark vNAR domains with different cysteine numbers within the CDR3ArtículoOLIVIA CABANILLAS BERNAL30-dic-2023
2019Do marine reserves increase prey for California sea lions and Pacific harbor seals?ArtículoALEJANDRO ARIAS DEL RAZO30-dic-2023
2016Effects of geostrophic kinetic energy on the distribution of mesopelagic fish larvae in the southern Gulf of California in summer/fall stratified seasonsArtículoFERNANDO CONTRERAS CATALA21-dic-2022
2017Biodiversity conservation in an anthropized landscape: Trees, not patch size drive, bird community composition in a low-input agroecosystemArtículoERIC MELLINK BIJTEL29-dic-2023
2014Contrasting spatial patterns in active-fire and fire-suppressed mediterranean climate old-growth mixed conifer forestsArtículoDanny L. Fry  29-dic-2023
2018Vibrissa growth rate in California sea lions based on environmental and isotopic oscillationsArtículoMARTHA PATRICIA ROSAS HERNANDEZ21-dic-2022
2016Offshore wind energy climate projection using UPSCALE climate data under the RCP8.5 emission scenarioArtículoMARKUS SEBASTIAN GROSS21-dic-2022
2017Freshwater exchanges and surface salinity in the Colombian basin, Caribbean SeaArtículoEmilio Beier21-dic-2022
2015Inferring cetacean population densities from the absolute dynamic topography of the ocean in a hierarchical bayesian frameworkArtículoMARIO ANDRES PARDO RUEDA21-dic-2022

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